Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose



With Article (Singular)

an rós
the rose

Example Sentence

Níor ordaigh dia rós gan dealg.
Every rose has thorns.

Posted Feb 03 2017
Attachment: rose_ros_NS.mp3


Irish Word a Day - R??s - Rose « Join Martin wrote Irish Word a Day - R??s - Rose « Join Martin
on Tue, Feb 3 2009 7:35

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faberm wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Wed, Feb 3 2010 22:26

Tá an rós breá é le gach mna.

All woman love the rose.

faberm wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Thu, Feb 4 2010 5:46

Níor ordaigh dia rós gan dath.  Every rose has color.

Maripat wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Thu, Feb 4 2010 7:40

Tá sé rós dearg go h-álainn sa mardin.

Doug wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Thu, Feb 4 2010 17:14

Let me throw a question out to everyone. I have studied off and on now for about a year and I can peck around a bit and get the general idea of what is being said, but in  Todays Word of the Day phrase:  "Níor ordaigh dia rós gan dealg"

has been translated as meaning; "Every rose has thorns."    

Wouldn't that say something closer to "Not every rose is without thorns"  or as might be said here in the "States" as "Not every rose has thorns" ?  Just wondering as a new learner I am trying to get it right.

Thank you for your help.


seano wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Mon, Feb 8 2010 11:57

This construction is often found in proverbs, so people who are used to proverbs will find it easier to understand than people who are just used to the conversational language. It literally means "God didn't order a rose without a thorn". In other words, God didn't sanction or create roses which don't have thorns. So it does imply that all roses have thorns, and not that not all roses do have thorns. If you understand me. And if you don't, don't not worry about it ;)

Doug wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Tue, Feb 9 2010 8:09

Déanta go maith ! Perfect in your description.  I was thrown off a bit by the  "dia".  I read it as being "God" but was unsure because it was all in lower case and thought that it was an alternate deffinition and was unsure as to it's use and meaning in this sentence. Thank you for clearing it up.  

Go raiph maith agat.

Doug wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Rós - Rose
on Tue, Feb 9 2010 8:13

 Tá brón orm !  That will teach me to type and not proof read.  It should be:

Go raibh maith agat

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