Cén Gaelige atá air "Money"?
Tá sé airgead fosta?
An bhfuil sin ceart?
Ta bron orm, mo Gaeilge bhriste.
Thought I'd try to ask my question in Irish, I just kind of made it up from what I know, so I hope it makes sense.
Tuigim! Tá mé iontach tuirseach inniu, so I will explain what I know as bearla...
Airgead means both Silver and Money in Irish, just as Argent means both Silver and Money in French. Both come from the Latin word for silver, which is 'argentum'.
Argentum is where the chemical symbol Ag derives. Argentum comes from the Indo-European root *arg- 'To shine; white; the shining or white metal, silver'.
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Tá tuirse orm fosta.
Your doing a great job Michelle, thank you very much for your explanation. Very rich in history is the Irish language, and that is one of the things that I like about it.
All the work and partying with the festive season leaves us a little worn out, but bring on the new year!
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@michelle, thanks for the explanation. Now how do we say gold?
Visit talkirish.com/.../irish-word-a-day-211-r-gold.aspx
UNESCO should be protecting Irish language if it is not already. Just like any other language,
I visited Dublin and I loved every minute of it...