Irish Word a Day - Siosúr - Scissors



With Article (Singular)

an siosúr
the scissors

Example Sentence

An bhfuil siosúr ar bith agat?
Do you have scissors?



Posted Aug 31 2016


Dale D wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Siosúr - Scissors
on Wed, Aug 31 2011 18:52

It seems a more precise definition would be "Do you have any scissors."  Unless there is something in the idiom I'm not getting....  (Wouldn't be the first time.)  An alternative would be, "Have you no scissors?"  To translate as stated, it would seem that you would omit "ar bith" "any" or "no".  In english, the question, "Do you have scissors?" would be asked of someone providing them temporarily, like a sewing group or a school child asking it of a teacher.  "Do you have *any* scissors?" would be a question to a clerk at a store where you are looking to purchase them.  "Have you *no* scissors?" would be asked after a period of time looking for them in a store or other place where you expect to find them, but failing to do so.

Any idiomatic instruction or clarification would be appreciated....


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