Irish Word a Day - Snáthaid - Needle




With Article (Singular)

an tsnáthaid
the needle

Example Sentence

Tá sé ag cuardach snáthaide agus snáithe.
He is looking for a needle and thread.



Posted Aug 30 2016


jaicmac wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Snáthaid - Needle
on Mon, Aug 30 2010 10:25

Tá sé ag cuardach snáthaide agus snáithe.

Doug wrote re: Irish Word a Day - Snáthaid - Needle
on Mon, Aug 30 2010 12:03

Your statement as written and how it is spoken are two different things which might tend to confuse some new learners.

"Tá mé ag cuardach snáthaide agus snáithe." would be "I am" but your recorded statement says "Tá sé" which would be "He is".

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