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this is the best site i ve found
Absolutely the BEST site!
Go raibh maith agaibh :)
Haigh, Michelle tells me that our friend Dale D has been trying to post a message about this but hasn't been able to post. Hopefully we'll get that problem sorted soon. His question is about the t- in front of the word urlár. The rule is quite simple - with masculine nouns like úll, uisce, aer, urlár, they all take the t- after the article an, so it's an t-úll, an t-uisce, an t-aer, an t-urlár. However, when there's a preposition before the article, the t- disappears! So it's ar an úll (on the apple), ar an uisce (on the water), san aer (in the air), faoin urlár (under the floor). Remember that san means insan, which is i + an, and faoin is faoi + an. Hope this makes it clear! Keep the questions coming!
Could someone please explain why it's "an t-urlár" for the floor...
but then "ar an urlár" for on the floor?