Gach seachtain, postáiltear Crosfhocal nua i nGaeilge anseo ar
Baintear úsáid as na focail ó Focal an Lae sna crosfhocail agus mar sin de, is féidir leat an méid a d’fhoghlaim tú anseo a thástáil.
Íoslódáil an .doc anseo. Agus cé go bhfuil cead ag cách na crosfhocail seo a phriontáil, a chóipeáil agus a dháileadh saor in aisce, ná déan dearmad ár lógó agus ár sonraí a choinneáil ar an doiciméad, le daoine eile a chur ar an eolas faoi
Every week we post a new Irish Crossword Puzzle here on
The puzzles uses the vocabulary from our Focal an Lae, so you can test what you've learned here.
Download the .doc below. Remember, our crosswords are free to print, copy and redistribute - but please keep our logo and details on the document to help us spread the word about
Oct 11 2010