Niall - Try 2 rapid clicks on the center button. Keep doing it until the vocabulary appears. seanduine
Really good work Michelle...getting the text in there with the audio...brilliant! Any timetable for Books 2 and 3? Wonder if there is a market for my BC tapes I bought at An Ceathrú Póilí a few years ago.:)
With my belief system suitably shaken, I consulted Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla and find support for Séan's post. Uaine: vivid green. So, I would like to hear from Séan (his posts lead me to believe that he really knows this stuff) about this natural and man-made green thing. Must be more than folklore.
Couldn't agree more. Even we language-challenged folks in the US do not attempt to translate great words (expressions of feelings, actually) such as gemutlichkeit and schadenfreude. I enjoy your thoughtful posts. Seanduine
Lean something new everyday. I thought glas was used for "natural" green things (e.g., grass, leaves) and uaine was used for man-made green things (e.g., shirt, dress). Where did I get this interpretation? Seanduine
I suggest you try Keyboards and Languages, Change Keyboards, under English add United States International. To get a fada, depress and hold the right ALT key while you depress the vowel key. Works with caps as well...Ú ú. Depress and hold both the ALT and SHIFT keys while before depressing the vowel key. Seanduine
A Gherd, a chara... 'S ea. Tá cinnte! Roartys is ainm do. Fanaim ann nuair foghlaim ar Oideas Gael. Bíonn an craic ann go maith i gcónai. I have stayed at Roartys three time now. It can be a bit noisy at times, but it is very easy to get "home" after a seisún. As long as you can climb the stairs. :) Tabhair
Dia daoibh a chairde - A note of caution here with the Pimsleur offer. If you do order, make sure that you uncheck the box below the Submit button. Else, you will automatically receive, otherwise unsolicited, the first chunk of an expanded course at a cost of hundreds of dollars. I learned the hard way - cost me about $20 to return an unwanted course
If you are in the Minneapolis area, there is lots available to you. Seanduine
Hmmm...intriguing, but on inspection I find that his "deconstructing" of Irish would have us all walking away...no running while sreaming away from learning Irish. Let's review the "deconstruction": grammar structure (VSO), new sounds (you bet), similarity to another language (no way). Also, his "test" for exposing