It is Téann gach duine abhaile.
I have been learning Irish for a few years now, i do think it is a beautiful language and put a lot of effort into it. I have several CD courses which i have put on my iPod and i listen to them going to and returning from work while driving and sometimes while i am working as one of these posts has said there seems to be with every CD couse or book
maith thu'
Conas ata' tu'? is from mMunster Irish and Ce'n chaoi a bfhuil tu'? is from Connacht Irish and to add, Cad e' mar ata' tu'? this is from Ulster Irish...there are three main dialects in Irish...
to seano i think English had a vocative case also, but it disappeared a long time ago. I think if Irish had not been suppressed for so long and more of the population used it on a daily basis it's vocative case would have disappeared a long time ago also. But seeing how a language gets suppressed it is hard for it to change or modernize if it is