Foxxyred, There is another good free resource: http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/irish/blas/learners/ You can download the audio lessons to your mobile (ahem, cell) phone , and listen to them anywhere. This is how I started learning Irish 2 yers ago.
Culturlann, Culturlann, agus Culturlann! Which is in Falls Road.
GRMA, a chara!
Not exactly grammar, but a n idiom... How do you say :So what?" in Irish?
After some time spent with a testbook or textbooks one natuarally progresses to reading and listening (and conversation, if they can get any). So, after learning Irish on my own for a year, I found myself able to read. A few libraries in West Belfast provided me with books, mostly children's books. However, I fear, I have exhausted their holdings
Dative has survived only in the Southern dialect(s). The noun cases in Irish are a subset of the original 7 Indo-European cases, and used the same way as they are in, for example, Lithuanian.
On the radio (Raidio Failte) hear people use "ins an ...", apparentl, instead of "san". What is this - a dialect? And is it indeed the same as "san"?
Go raibh maith agat, a Mhichelle. Ach silim anois go bhuil se "Bhi tu ag ra ansin"...
Almost correct: "ar rith" is a verb form (a verbal noun), but siopodoireacht is a noun (not an adjective). Hence the difference. "...a bheaith ag..." also stresses that you like doing something yourself, not just watch it.
Sometimes, when listening to the radio as Gaelige, I hear certain phrases again and again, but can't make out the words. Here's one. It sounds like "Bhí torann sin" , but I think it is actually somethig else. What would that be?