Sorry but I just had to ask. Lol. With the x amount of members it seems like there are only a few us who post. Hmmmm spoooooky... Any Ulster learners here? Standard? Come on...I'm not picky..lol
Dia duit! Hope you enjoy being here. Lots of helpful people here so if you have any questions don't be shy! Lol
Dia duit mo Chara! Cad e mar ata tu? (sorry about the lack of fadas but I haven't a clue how to make them on my phone..lol). You're advice is spot on! I've been watching Ros na Run for awhile now and , though they talk incredibly fast lo, it is still a great way to hear Irish speakers! Maith thu mo Chara! Slan go foill, kay
I don't remember lol. But it said...converting Irish (pounds?) so I typed it in and it popped up 35.91. I think I said. I will be sooooooo happy mo chara if you tell me it's wrong!!
Dia daoibh!. Could someone please tell me how the word "tuilleadh" is pronounced? I have listened to it on audio a zillion times and still can't understand it. Go raibh maith agat. Oh, and no offense to any of the other dialects but I would like it to be in the Ulster dialect please. Thanks!
Grma Craig!. If he doesn't stop chewing up stuff I will be saing..."Slan" !
Beginning my new job so Talk Irish will have to take a back seat for a wee bit. So before I start on my new work adventure, I just wanted to stop by and say Happy New Year Everybody! May our Unetlvnai (Creator) keep you in His care and bless you with only the very best of the upcoming new year! Slán, Deb
I''ve been studying forver.... I look ok for someone's who's lived forever huh? Lol. And I still have probs with all of it but it's fun to learning.
Could someone please tell me how you would say... There's no talking to you when you're like this? Thanks. And for all of you who work so hard on here and for those who are always willing to lend a helping hand ..a heart felt thank you! Deb
Go raibh maith agat a Kamber. I hope you can find time to listen to this new one I posted. It's so beautiful. Slán!