Ceapaim - I think I mo thuairim - in my opinion I mo bharúil - in my opinion Ach - but Agus - and Áfach - however Feictear domsa - it seems to me Tá a fhios ag madraí na sráide - everyone knows Ar ndóigh - of course Measaim - I think Sílim - I think Mar - because Mar gheall ar - as a result of Chomh maith
This is a difficult translation as in Irish you can't just say I will or I won't Q. James wants to know if you will go to the party! A. Tell him that I won't go. - Inis dó nach rachfaidh mé Tell her that I won't eat - Inis di nach íosfaidh mé Tell him that I will meet him - Inis dó go bhualfaidh mé
Teaghlach - family Teaghlaigh - families Clann - the children in a family However in Munster Clann can mean both family and children of a family
In Irish the phrase 'to do' differs depending on context. For example: There is a lot to do in America Tá go leor LE DÉANAMH i Meiriceá. I can do that! Is féidir liom é A DHÉANAMH He needs to do that Is gá leis é A DHÉANAMH So if someone is "to do" something you use 'a
In Irish we generally say 'I'm going to sleep' rather than '...to bed' Tá mé ag dul a choladh. "Tá mé" can become "Táim" for greater fluency. Táim ag dul a choladh.
Buíochas le Dia - Thank God! Dia dhuit - Hello. Conas atá tú?/Conas atá cùrsaí?/Cad é mar atá tu? - How are you? Cac! - ! Amadáin! - Idiot! Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin! - There's no place like home! An bhfuil cead agam dul amach go dtí an leithreas