I have Windows, as well. I had to add a Irish keyboard option which you can do by going to your control panel, select "Clock, Language, & Region", then go to "change keyboard or other in input methods". You should be able to find an Irish keyboard option. If you can do that, you just push your apostrophe key before you push the
Dia dhuit! The only thing that I could think of is to purchase an Irish grammar book. You can get them relatively cheap (in comparison to some language sets). I got my Teach Yourself Irish grammar book separately from the rest of the set, but it was not too pricey and is worth it, in my opinion. TG4 is the Irish language television channel that runs
I know what you mean. Between college, work, and other things, I have been heaped with things to do and rarely have the time to actually stick to the lessons I have been going through. For myself, this summer, I am dedicating at least a half hour to an hour a day of studying the language materials that I have and listening to Irish music and watching
What are your favorite stories from Ireland? My favorites include the Pursuit of Diarmuid and Grainne, the Táin Bó Cúailnge, and other tales focusing on Finn mac Cumhaill and Cú Chúlainn. I also love the stories about the Tuatha Dé Danann.
I have heard that the name Suibhne meant "pleasant". It is my family name.
I just joined the forum, I have been recieving the Irish Word a Day by e-mail for a couple of months, but I have just decided to join the forum. I have been learning Irish on and off for the past two years, but I am planning to get back on it and stick with it this summer while I am out of school. Hopefully this forum will keep me going! I have used