As far as I know, there are three acceptable versions of where - Cá, Cá háit, agus Cén áit. Although Cá háit is new to me just looked it up now, by the way áit means place.
Hey Evan90, (wow this is my first post in a good while) if you are interested in Irish placenames check out http://www.logainm.ie/.
Slán lit. = safe common usage = goodbye Slán = Goodbye Slán leat = Goodbye to you too (lit. Safe with/by you) next letter....t!
faoi = about/under i = in ó = from thar = past/over fúm =about/under me ionam=in me uaim=from me tharam=past/over me fút = """" you ionat = "" you uait = """ you tharat = """"you faoi = """ him/it ann = "" he/it uaidh = "" him/it thairis = """
Can I add www.irishdictionary.ie
Thaks for the links, I downloaded Sean Eile and I think it's quite good I am remembering stuff I had forgotton and learning new stuff along the way.
Rua - Red hair Madra Rua - Fox (red dog) next letter "a" again
Leithreas - Toilet 'An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas?" - Can I go to the toilet? Next letter "S"
Abhaile = home "Ag filleadh abhaile ó rince an tsaoil." - Returning home from the dance of life. From the poem "Oíche Nollaig na mBan"l e Seán Ó Ríordáin (unfortunatley I had to learn that for an exam) So next letter "e"
Well your idea of a "dialect" is wrong. America doesn't have dialects because English is standardised it's just locacl accents and phrases which change it so they aren't dialects whereas Irish has different dialects with different wrods, differences in grammar etc. There is "An Caighdeán Oifigiúil" which is the standardised