Tá an-mhaith, I love it. More GRMA!
Go-ánhlainn! Tá mo céile é grúdaireacht bhaile agus feidir liom 'tease' aice. grma
I like the Red/White Cow conflict, though the people fought to prove which cow was the greater the cows did them both wrong.
Bridget, it was my grandmothers name. But what about Barbara, it was my great grandmothers name. grma
Dia duit Anthony, Maripat is ainm dom. Care to pen pal? I need work on sentence structure, conas atá tu?
Gairdín garden Tá na bláthanna sa gairdín tá siad go háliann. The flowers in the garden are beautiful.
Tá mé ag foghlaimm an Buntús cainte anois. An tá mé an-dóna? GRMA
Dia Daoibh, If you in Ireland are sad over the way your losing your language, here in the States ours are loosing the ability to talk, and write, by email, txt etc, in and all the other civilied means of communication. I am teaching my grandson Irish, he at 24 months recognizes me when I say "Dia Duit" and other sentences. His day care hears
Né thuigim mórán gaelinn, ach táim ag foghlaim morán sin. I don' speak much irish, but iam learning much. (Especially little bits as shown above) Ga raibh maith agat. thank you
Tá sé go hiontach, is fior graelinn é. It is wonderful, true irish.