Why sure you will ! It is a bit overwhelming but that's only because it's new to you. Take me, for example, I have such a strong southern accent...try converting that into an Irish accent.. lol But it can be done and you'll be just fine. And if you want to practice what you know..even if it's just ..Dia duit...I'm always around and
Michelle I love your hair !
Oh and by the way..there should have been an "a" in front of your name since I'm talking directly to you..oopps my bad. But I'm also horrible at grammar...spelling....etc..
Dia duit Rachel ! I'm so new it's rediculous ..lol But everyone here is very friendly and willing to help. But as you see..Uglybeaty and I are the reigning Typo Queens so don't try to take our title..lol..just kidding..I really do think that you will like it here!