I got this far before your last message: Am éigin, tá fíorbháisteach ag dul a theacht, agus nífidh sí an bruscar ar fad de na sráideanna... At some point, fíorbháisteach is going to come, and she will wash all the rubbish of the streets... (could not find " fíorbháisteach"
[quote user="seano"] Is breá liom Casablanca - Seinn é, a Shomhairle! Seinn é mar ba ghnách leat! Play it Sam! Play it like you used to! [/quote] Nach bhfuil ainm dom Shomhairle... PAAG (Pl éascadh Amach Ag G á ire ) Is breá liom “Field of Dreams” - Má tá tú
[quote user="seano"] Bhí an cillí con carne an-deas ar fad! Tá mé an-ghnóthach inniu ach tá súil agam go mbeidh mé in ann cur leis an fhóram arís Dé Céadaoin nó Déardaoin. Ádh mór. Agus bhí na habairtí sin iontach maith
[quote user="seano"] Hi folks, I'm going to put a few words of Irish on here, saying what I am doing and where I am. Maybe others would like to put a couple of sentences on? Cad é mar atá sibh, a chairde? Tá mise i mo shuí anseo sa seomra suí (nó seomra suite más fearr libh sin) i mo theach
Do you know any good online English-Gaeilge/Gaeilge-English dictionary? I found: http://www.irishdictionary.ie/home and http://www.focal.ie/Home.aspx but not sure if they're accurate. I also would like to know how much €20 is in Canadian or American $. I think it's time for me to start learning grammar.
Seano, You are awesome! Go raibh maith agat I might have more proverbs for you to fix later
I got some! I got some! Is fearr Gaeilge briste, na Bearla cliste. (Broken Irish is better than clever English... one of my friends was teasing me just the other day that I should master English before learning Gaeilge.) Is fhearr fheuchainn na bhith san duil. (It is better to try than to hope... but it sure sucks to fail.) Cha d'dhùin doras
Aye. You did.
Thanx, Seano. So, how do you actually say, "An open mouth often catches a closed fist"?
Could anyone please tell me if "Irish Phrases" on the site "http://www.ireland-information.com/irishphrases.htm" is Ulster dialect?