Karen & Michelle, Go maith raibh agat for the help I think there is something wrong with my iPod configuration but, to be honest, the Buntus Cainte tracks are the only ones I want to see the lyrics for so as long as it's working for Buntus Cainte, I don't care about the other songs on my iPod. I am able to see the lyrics now using the method
Michelle, Thanks for the quick reply. When I initially went into the Info dialog, the Lyrics tab was blank. In searching elsewhere on the web, I found a tip regarding a "Convert ID3 Tags" command if you right click a file. I did that and the lyrics tab then was filled in. It seems odd to me that I'd have to do this. I am running the latest
I was very excited to learn of the new Buntus Cainte application and downloaded it today to my iPod Touch (3rd Generation). I may be doing something wrong, but when I touch the icon in the upper right while a lesson is playing I do not get the lyrics, only a listing of all the lessons on the album. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Go raibh maith