Yes, it's very easy to change. However, having made the change, you must be consistent. A great deal of Irish people tend to use their irish form personally and professionally and then keep the English form on their passport, which can lead to all sorts of problems and shenanigans in far-off countries. My advice is to stick to one or the other.
How about this shower in the Peoples' republic? http://www.peoplesrepublicofcork.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=800
What he said above. In general, it is rare that an Irish phrase (or indeed any language) will exactly match the sense of the original. Much better to find what exists in the target language already and use that to render the sense of the source language into something idiomatic. In this instance "dílís go h-éag" seems
How about putting the word out on Twitter? It's a great way to find out what's ou there -fast! Might save a packet too.
There is no Irish keyboard or Irish autocorrect.
No idea why aujourd ' *** is coming out as a series of asterisks on this site, though!
All you have to do is go into keyboards and set up multiple keyboards (for the languages you want (I have French, UK English and Arabic keyboards enabled and the default language of my iPhone is Irish).....then the autocorrect works across languages. Very handly for filling in "aujourd'***" as soon as you've got to auj...:-)
Hi. In irish you do not say "Love of my life" as in English (which would be "grá mo shaoil" in any case). You literally say "Love of my heart" - 'Grá mo chroí". You also describe the object of your affections variously as "a rún, a chéadshearc, a chuisle". However, the
I regret but "déanta go maith" means "well made" as in "well made". In Irish it is usual to say, as above, "maith thú" or "maith shibh" (plural). You can also address an individual (male) and say "Bullaidh fir" when congratulating him on a job well done ("top man").
In order for the alt+vowel trick to give an accented vowel, the operating system must be set to "Ireland" in sys prefs/international and the keyboard set to ireland/Irish.. If it set to an Anglophone version such as the United Kingdom or the USA, then it will not work. It is a Mac OSX hidden extra for Irish users. For those normally typing