Dia duit ! And welcome! Is mise Deb and I'm studying the Ulster dialect. What dialect are you studying? I believe there are others here who are learning different dialects as well so whichever you are learning you are sure to find others who are learning it too. lol Slán, Deb
Go raibh míle maith agat!! This has been driving me insane! lol And now I can say the Lord's Prayer properly.
Helps a lot. GRMA a Sheano!
Dia daoibh! I know I go on about Ros na Run but that's the only place I can hear people speak Irish, but my question is this...I have noticed that they don't roll there r's or if they do, it is so light that you can hardly hear it. So, the r's aren't trilled like the Spanish r's? Thanks! Deb
I have heard "neamh" pronounced as...nave but also as neev And naofar as..neefur / nuffer Would someone please tell me which way is correct? Or if both ways or correct? Of if neither way is correct? Thanks, Kay
I know, right? lol If I could just be good at conversational Ulster I would be over the moon happy! I'll give these sites a look see. I appreciate any and all help that you give me with the Ulster dialect. (hmmm..wonder where the rest of me went? hahahaha) Slán
I believe Michelle said the lessons in the "Daily Irish" are Ulster. Just checking to make sure before I download them? grma
lol Go raibh maith agat, a Sheano! Cad é mar atá tú ar maidin? And since I'm making my "Irish Wish List"...lol... I wish they had t.v. shows for each dialect. And the program would have actors who only spoke one dialect, be it Ulster, Connacht, Munster, Standard..whatever your preference is. Oh yeah, and I would have
LOL I know !!!! I try and try to make sense of what he says. And I think I've understood two words ..
Ok, here's the deal... Why do most of the books and cds you purchase teach you the "formal" way of talking but yet in everyday speech it's different? For example: Tá fhios agam is usually pronounced as Tá fhios 'am. Wonder why they don't show you the formal way and then show you the conversational way? Reminds