Go raibh míle maith agat a Bhrid! I like that!
Maidain mhaith a Ghearoid! Tá mé go maith, go raibh maith agat. Agus tú féin? Go raibh míle maith agat for your help with "soilsiú". I'll make note of what you said so I'll be sure to look out for that the next time I look up a word. It sure does help elimate alot of confusion! Bain sult as
Saw this sentence.. Tá an ghrian ag soilsiú. It was translated as ...The sun is shining. However, when I looked it up in my Collins Dictionary, it says..soilsiú = illumination / lighting. Could someone please tell me if this is correct. Thanks, Deb
Feicim féin le mo shúil bheag ghéar..gealach
Go raibh míle maith agat a Bhríd! I love it! And I love the way she comes in so clearly that you don't have to try and guess what she's saying. I really do appreciate this and for all of your help. Slán agus go raibh maith agat.
o.k. Just had a look at the link. This is awesome Bríd! Go raibh míle maith agat!! I love the pictures as well. Thanks! Off to look at it morel It's just what I had hoped for!
That clears it up for me. Thank you! I have to keep in mind the different dialects as well as there being more than one way to say something. Do you know where I can find The Lord's Prayer with audio? That would be great! Oh, and thanks for showing me where the prayers are. I got lost in the site. lol Thanks again Bríd!
Oh, I meant to ask you. We know how books can go. One says one thing and another something else. Neither wrong just different ways of speaking. What I want to ask you is, I read where the word "mac" would not be used in "formal" speech such as ..agus don Mhac..instead it would be said..agus don Mhic. However, I have seen it as "Mhac"
Thanks Bríd! And thank you for the site. Going to check it out now!
Dia duit, a Jacinta. I wish I could answer you back in Irish, but to be honest I am sooo not as good as you are in the language. I tried to figure out what you wrote with my little "handy dandy" dictionary, but according to it, here is what you would have said..How are you Debs ( that part I knew) Then something about I hope to see you out