I assume you are listening to the pronunciations of the sounds in the lessons and in the daily emails. To round it out, go to TG4 ( http://www.tg4.ie/en/tg4-player/tg4-player.html ) and watch some shows in Irish. That will give you a feel for the language. On TG4, they go too fast to be an effective learning tool, though. A compromise format which contain
A Dale, a cara, Here is something I've started doing: Each time a new word is introduced, I look at the picture, of course, and listen to the word. Once the computer is silent, I keep looking at the picture and saying the word out loud myself. Nothing special about that, eh? But next, I use my mouse to get the cursor over the repeat symbol. Once
Dia dhuit a Mhichelle! I figured out my own answer. After I got the first one right, I needed to patiently listen to the computer read out two things to answer, the first one being the first one I just did, and the second one being a new one added to the sequence. After I mimicked that sequence of two, it repeated the first two and added a third. The
Dia dhuit a Mhichelle! I still seem to be missing something...maybe with "Repeat" versus "Listen". If I see "Repeat" and click the same answer, the voice comes on over again. Then if I click it again, I keep getting the same word said and it never goes to the next word. If I stop after a few repeats, it switches to "Listen"