Maybe we could do the most common hundred, and then any afterwards upon request? By the way, I see that you have a map of Ireland up as your profile picture, but what does the green represent? Those aren't the Gaeltachtaí, are they? If so, what year would that have been?
What state did you correct your name in? My mom did hers in Washington state.
In Germany it's not that easy. It's very difficult to legally change your name (200 EURO), plus yo u have to have a good reason. Otherwise, the government won't allow it. In the U.S., however, it depends on the state. Usually there is a several hundred dollar fee associated with process, and sometimes you have to put out a notice in the
Thanks for the response. Didn't you have to prove your identity when changing the name on your credit cards? How do you go about changing it on your passport? Is it simple? Easy? Free? Personally, I legally changed my last name to reflecht my Irish hertiage: Ó Sé.
Hi, This is question that I've been wondering about for quite some time now. I've asked a few people before, but no one seemed to know the answer. I've never been to Ireland, however, with the resurgence of interest in the Irish language, I've seen that some Irish sign their emails (such as with the embassy) with their name in Irish
mall mair
nuachtán - newspaper Léim an nhuachtán ga lách. I read the newspaper every day.
bláth - flower Tá an bhláth iontach bándearg. The flower is very pink. Feel free to correct the sentence! :)
Just curious, is it planned to record Irish surnames as well? I think that would also be quite interesting.