Great video "maith an fear" to that man. Last year I was walking through a suburb of Cork city with a friend of mine when a crowd of youngsters abused him because he was Nigerian (I was ashamed to be Irish at that moment). He retorted with perfect Irish (he lives in Galway) only one of the kids knew he was talking Irish and he explained to
Nice one seano, Got a good giggle from Darwin Duit......Darwin is Dawkins Duit. I'll have the ears open for & try Hóra .... Cheers!!!
Thanks for the input folks, I'm actually glad I'm not the only one pondering this question. I've asked this question all over the Island from Dún Chaoin in Kerry to Gaoth Dobhair in Donegal and had pretty much the same responses as yourself Michelle, one person got quite agressive with me once out on Inis Oírr (which was a bit uncomfortable
Hi I'm new to this forum buisness so I hope I'm doing this right. I've often wondered about a quick and causual way to say Hi without using "hello" or "hi" and because I'm not religous, (a fan of Richard Dawkings) Dia Dhuit isn't an option, and I dont like greeting with a "how are you". This I have pondered
Dia dhuit, wolfréalt anseo as Corcaigh, níl mo gaeilge go maith (go fóill). Tá ngrá agam leis an teanga agus ba mhaith liom níos mó. Tóg go bog é.