
  • Re: Irish Language Practice

    I am a beginner. I studied on my own, but it was all written. There were written directions explaining how the sounds were pronounced but that really did not help me much. What I would love is for someone who already has some knowledge of at least basic conversations/words/phrases who can teach me how to say them, and then once I get the pronunciation
  • Re: Irish Language Practice

    I am also interested in learning. What I would really love is if we could sort of partner up (like a pen pal) with native speakers on Skype. That way we can have actual conversations, rather than just listening to dialogue. Is there a Facebook group for this sort of thing? -Jamie
  • Re: Skype

    Hello Mike, I have been trying to find Irish speakers willing to help me learn Irish. I am a beginner (I studied some on my own, but it was all written, not spoken, so I've no idea how to pronounce things properly) and was wondering if you would be interested in helping me learn? My name is Jamie Haire, and on Skype it is jamie.haire so feel free
    Posted to General (Forum) by Maramheis on Mon, Sep 9 2013
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