On computers made for Americans there is no "Alt+gr" key; only on European models. We have only the plain "Alt" keys. As for the "Irish" keyboard--I actually installed it, and found it was absolutely identical to the English keyboard--and THERE IS NO FADA ON IT!!! Very strange, since the only real difference between typing
Yes, someone else mentioned the Irish keyboard, but my point was, it is still more difficult--with the Irish keyboard you still have to type: Ctrl+Alt+a for á and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+a for Á Holding 3 or even 4 non-sequential keys down at once is harder (at least to me) than simply hitting [a... And most all the other keys in the Spanish keyboard
There is a much easier way. I use Windows 7 now but it was the same in Vista. I have Spanish installed as a second keyboard language, and since it uses the same accent mark (á), I just switch to Spanish (one click on the task bar to go from EN to ES-Español), and once I'm in there all I have to type is a [ (the key to the right of