Just thought I'd give you another user's perspective...the lyrics were automatic when I downloaded and put on my iPod touch. They came up automatically, without me having to do anything. I am using iPod touch but don't know what you are using... if you tap the screen on the iPod touch whilst the lyrics are displayed you can toggle between
Hi there, I saw your post and I just bought the course for my iPod touch yesterday - so I can let you know what I thought of the content so far! I bought the course the other day. It's good value I think, it's £9.99 and you get 60 lessons. I downloaded it from Bandcamp - it's like an independent version of iTunes where you buy digital
Hi Debra, and welcome to the site! We have members with all levels of Irish here, from complete beginners to more fluent speakers - so don't let that put you off. All you need is a love of Irish! Feel free to post your questions and suggestions here on the forum and hopefully someone will have an answer for you. Don't forget to tell us what
Hi Deb, Thanks for your suggestion - if you'd like to give some examples of the type of everyday phrases you'd like to learn, feel free!
Thanks for all the great suggestions for what you'd like to see on the site! I agree that language learning has to be interesting and memorable, and we'll try to reflect that in our materials. If you've any other suggestions, feel free to add more :) Thanks again!
Thanks for your feedback. We've been showcasing the Talk Irish website to Irish groups in the US and Ireland recently, and have had really great feedback on the look and feel. We're trying to make our site fresh, friendly and fun. Perhaps you could give us a little more information on why you find the image insulting? Feel free to email us at