
  • Re: Rosetta Stone - Irish (Volumes 1-3)

    The repetiton DOES do a good job of driving me insane though. Well, more insane. So far is still enjoyable.
    Posted to Irish books, cds, posters, etc (Forum) by Aio on Tue, Feb 9 2010
  • Re: Rosetta Stone - Irish (Volumes 1-3)

    Stupid firewall at work... Going to have to try from home. Got to love when your office releases a 'Hear what we do on twitter!' email and then you click the link they provide only to be greeted by the "Corporate Firewall of Doom!". I do look forward to hearing this though! Thank you for the link.
    Posted to Irish books, cds, posters, etc (Forum) by Aio on Wed, Jan 27 2010
  • Re: Rosetta Stone - Irish (Volumes 1-3)

    I find myself agreeing with you for the most part. It is helping a great deal on leanring the words, but the grammar still feels lacking after only a week. Sometimes I just don't understand what the differences are betwen the objects they are presenting me. It's only been a week though, so I am going to give it more time (and hopefully an complete
    Posted to Irish books, cds, posters, etc (Forum) by Aio on Thu, Jan 21 2010
  • Rosetta Stone - Irish (Volumes 1-3)

    Dia duit, As part of my resolution for the new year, and a commitment to make myself better, I purchased the Rosetta Stone language teaching software and have now been using it for 5 days. It seems the first 'block' of lessons has been dedicating itself to lightly to vocabulary and actual sentance structure, instead focusing a lot more on pronunciation
    Posted to Irish books, cds, posters, etc (Forum) by Aio on Tue, Jan 19 2010
  • Greetings!

    Hello everyone. Just stopping in to say hi and shake hands, paws, whatever. I made a resolution this year to learn the Irish language, so here I am. My copy of Rosetta Stone is on the way, should be here soon (glee, I love new things in the mail). Part of my goal to learn Irish is so that I can take a holiday to Ireland next year. To see the sights
    Posted to General (Forum) by Aio on Tue, Jan 12 2010
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