Hi there Seano, Thanks so much for your help, much appreciated, and apologies for the delay in getting back to you (think I need to make a resolution to check emails, etc more regularly, too!). All really useful information, thanks for taking the time to explain the various versions, it can all feel quite difficult to untangle to someone coming at it
Hi Dale D, Thanks for your response, that's brilliant. Thank you!
Hi Seano, Thanks so much for your kind offer, sorry it's taken so long to reply. If the offer's still open to advise on spelling, I've posted up a list below, thank you! Basically I'd like to use one version of spelling across the board for consistency – whether that's Old Irish, or a modernised version. I'd like to find
Hi there! I'd be grateful for some advice. I'm working on a project compiling information about many of the gods, goddesses, heroes and fairies of Irish, Scottish and Manx folklore and I'm looking for a reliable reference book to refer to for the spellings of their names. With so many variations on the names (i.e. Cúchulainn, Cú