Fame for daddy at last! Do you want any more audio from him? Or maybe a video? Am off work at the minute as my back has gone, let me know
How do you upload audio files on Labhair Gaelige? Cheers Denis
Thanks for the invite kay, i may take you up on that offer! The recording are of my dad who is a native irish speaker, i emailed them to michelle in the summer, are they uploaded on the site? I cant find them Cheers Denis
An turas is faide sa saol, tosaíonn sé le coiscéim bheag amháin! Have a look at this site its very useful http://www.irish-sayings.com/irishdialects/ taw muh vrishta tree hin-ya! Nott really! Sláinte
Jesus Michelle I feel like I've been tossed right into the deep end! I have to go back to basics, am completly lost! Am having a look at the BBC NI website and found a useful one called www.eirefirst.com . Am going to see my Da later to brush up, he speaks Irish so fast, he'd make your head spin! Would it be an idea to record him speaking Irish
Hi Lads Am glad there is a few novices on here as I am one of the same clan! Am based in London, but go home most summers to the very heart of the Donegal Gaeltacht but can only manage a few isolated sentances in Irish, to my shame! Both my parents were fluent in Gaelic but I've forgetton most of it from when I was young. Am looking forward to learning