I have to 2nd the T áin, especially residing in Ulster myself. Anything from the Ulster Cycle, especially with C ú Chulainn. Also Samhain themed ones like the Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel. Any appearence with an Mh ór R íoghain hits me on a personal level as well.
Gabh mo leithscél, that was Vailintín* on that 2nd one. Ah, Sundays! Is fuath liom iad!
That's more along the lines of "St. Valentine(day) Blessings". I suppose you could say "Lá Fhéile Vailiantín shona duit," for Happy Valentine's day?
Beannachtaí na Fhéle Vailintín.
Dia duit a Ironbed, That's great you're learning with Rosetta Stoned. If you're wanting more practice with fluent speakers, heading down to An Chultúrlann would be a good idea. Not only is there great food at Caifé Bhéal Feirste, but you can order there, and the book shop as Gaeilge. There's also plenty of worshops&exhibitions
Dia duit a Mhochara, Maith thú! Tógaim ranganna sa Chultúrlann freisin, tá sé ar fheasbhas! Le meas, Micheál
I've heard " Hi ", used, and spelled Haigh . This one does relate to religion, but pagans in Ireland, or Gaelic Polytheists, even say " Déithe duit ."
Shílim go bhfuil, " Ba mhaith leat gloine fhíona dheirg" is " Ar mhaith leat gloine fíona dearg " , nó " Cad é ba mhaith leat gloine fíona dearg, " ach níl mé cinnte?
Té sé scéala maith!
I think this is brilliant! Only being a resident here for not even two years, I'm always discovering new things. I love the connection with place names, and mythology as well. I remember driving down the M1, and seeing the sign for Ardee, Baile Átha Fhirdhia. It wasn't until I drove past a Ferdia petrol station, and later a Cooley Peninsula