I'am a beginer to have been to a class for about a year, I would be up for a skype message thing too. Could someone also translate the message below or above me. go raibh maith agat a chara
Hi there, yes I would be up for help, if you want to email me a zeuslabels@gmail.com we could try to sort somthing out. Thanks Daithi.
Dia Dhuit, is mise Daithi, I would also be up for a study partner ever by skype, post or the old phone. I live in Nottingham uk at the mo, if any one live in the midland theres also a study group in Notts every two week. Sla'n.
Its said diffrently in diffrent parts of ireland. So you have to work out were you want to go!. Good look.
I depends were in Ireland you are.
Dia Dhuit. I live in Nottingham poping alone to the classes there, but would like to some time be able to meet out side of class, I don't know much basic. Any One in around Notts want to meet up?. Daithi.