A bug ? As in a virus bug??
Maidin mhaith a chara ( hope I said that right? lol) I just tried again to download the free lesson ( tried once before but flopped..it was my bad though ) anyway , just wanted to say that this time I did it right and it works great on my MP3 player! You really put a lot of effort in this site and I just wanted to say thank you! Slán Sasha
It helps a lot Karen! Thank you! I was debating whether or not to purchase Buntús Cainte. I was afraid it would be like the other CD I purchased (not from here..lol) and the whole thing was about..Are you an American? No I am Irish..etc. I was so disappointed. But after reading your post I am going to buy this. So thanks again! Sasha
Hi again, Could someone please tell me which dialect is used in the Daily Irish lessons? Thank you!
And just in case you haven't noticed yet, I am "Queen of Typo Land"..lol Sorry for any and all mistakes in my posts..Bye
Thanks Michelle! I give that a look over today. And thanks also for your opinion on the IPL. I think site is going to be my "home" site. I believe learning from hearing is the best way to learn myself. And you seem to have ample audio to help me. Oh, I meant to ask you, I read where there are three main dialects of the language. Could you
Hi ! I'm Sasha and I'm new to this group and to the Irish language. However, before I found this site, I looked through the lessons on the Irish People's page. I don't know if they would benefit me or not in my learning?? I haven't checked out everything here but what I have seen so far is really impressive! Even if I never become