Is é iontach! Comhgairdeas.
So, I'm finally here - it's taking me a bit longer to work through than I thought, but I'm making progress. I have a question - I've been looking at the construct 'é a dhéanamh' etc. Would I be able to add it onto other phrases, like 'is maith liom' etc? As in, does 'is maith liom é a ól'
Hi there - I've just found an original copy of this book for a pound, and it will be turning up in the next few days. My Dad tells me that it used to come with LPs for the (Munster) pronunciation. (He's also warned me what to expect - grammar and lots of it, though he assures me it is very practical.) Anyway - I have heard it said that, in some
Thank you again! You've been a great help today.
Thank you!
That is wonderfully comprehensive answer! Thank you so much! It's fascinating to realise that the perceptions a culture has of nature and colour can affect language in such a way. And I wouldn't have realised that Irish had such a wide range of subtleties in colour perception - differentiating between natural and unatural for example. Also the
leabhar na rúin - book of secrets leabhar na gcrann - book of trees leabhar de ghaois - book of wisdom leabhar an-áthas - book of joy An bhfuil siad ceart? Go raibh maith agat!
Tá mé ag súgradh cluiche 'Fiche Ceis' le mo mhac annois. Ba mhaith liom a súgradh le daoine fásta. (Níl sé an rud salach!) An bhfuil aon duine eile ann? Ba mhaith leat a súgradh liom?
Dale a chara, Lorg mé i an Bíobla chun teacht ar an bhfocal ' cabhrach . " ( Tá a fhios agam an leabhar go maith . ) Tá sé seo ó Philemon , 1.11 - b'fhéidir go bhfuil an freagra anseo? "Ba bheag an chabhair duitse tráth é ach is fóinteach duitse agus domsa anois
'glas' agus 'uaine.' cén fáth é an difríocht?