Fáilte - "Welcome", Everyone here seems to be at different levels of knowing Irish. This makes a perfect blend and everyone is both a student and a teacher at the same time. So don't be afraid to jump in at any time. Great bunch of people here ! Enjoy Ireland. I made the trip myself in October and didn't want to come back home
Bláth Flower Tá an bláth anseo. The flower is here.
I stumbled over a neat site that might be of interest to some here. It is an American radio station that is online that does an Irish/English program online. Here is a link to their previous on air recordings that include Irish language music, poetry etc. For those of us who are new learners don't let it make you think bad about where we are but
I believe either one could work. In English if you said "I've Got it " or "Got it ", "Found it" they all convey the same idea. The same for the two Irish phrases you are asking about. I would tend to lean towards the "Fuair mé é". le meas
To all; I found a few neat sites that will help you in fitting Irish words together. The first is : http://www.scoilgaeilge.org/t_na_t/ The second is a link off this site located at the top right of the page and it will take you to: http://www.scoilgaeilge.org/ From there look to the left and click on the " Learning tools " link then the "
Welcome aboard Cindy, Anyone else out there please correct me if I am wrong but I believe that I would say it and write it as "An Teach Corcra". Depending on what part of Ireland it was said in it would roughly be pronounced as "An Tchahk kohr-krah". Doug
Well said Ianstad ! It's great seeing all of the activity with everyone helping out ! I too visited Ireland and was blessed to be the first in my family line in over 200 years to return "Home". Ireland is a warm and inviting country with it's greatest beauty being in it's people. Not one cross word was heard or sour face did I
Arís ! Arís ! Tá sé GO MAITH agus bhí sé go hiontach ! (Encore ! Encore ! It was GREAT and he was wonderful !) Thank you for sharing this......it has left me wanting to hear much more ! Doug
"Déanta go maith" (pronounced as Jehn-tah goe mah) means "Well done" as in "Great Job". I hope that this helps a bit. Doug
I just found this site a few minutes ago. From what I've listened to it looks like it might be a good site to listen to Irish being spoken and music in Irish. It is a radio station on line and can be found at: http://www.raidionalife.ie//index.htm The wee bit that I've listened to was great music and the DJ did a great job and the music was