A Faber, Thanks much again for getting back to me. I live in Maine, which is in some ways a bit like Texas (it is as big as the other 5 New England states put together), but has a relatively small population (1.3 million), so people and places tend to be spread out a lot. I travel about 180 miles roundtrip to my little Gaelic group, and I hate the drive
A Faber, Thanks for the response. Would you be able to compare it with "Irish on Your Own" or the new Oideas Gael product "Enjoy Irish". I have both of these, and have been having good luck with the former. I am also using (with our little language group that meets weekly) the previous BBC Northern Ireland series Giota Beag and Giota
Faber, I'm pretty new at this game, but have been making some slow progress. I am interested primarily in Ulster Irish, and have tried out several products which focus on this dialect. I had a brief experience with Tus Maith, but wasn't able to form any clear impression of it. Could you tell me more about your experience with Tus Maith and why
Seano, Thanks very much for the quick response. I too favor the Ulster sound, but that is probably because that is what my ear was accustomed to in English. However, most of the teaching materials over here in the US are either in standard ("Dublin") Irish, or else Connacht or Munster. I guess that makes sense, as most of the family connections
Seano, I read your response about pronouncing Solamh, and wondered if I am understanding the Ulster pronounciation correctly. I am familiar with the word "madadh", which I pronounce as "madoo" (the "adh" giving an "oo" sound). However, you gave the pronunciation of the name "Solamh" as having the "oo"